Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Protecting Baby Brother...

Okay, so I know that I need to post our Christmas stuff on here, but I need to post this before I forget. I had a very frustrating day with Toben who was SO fussy. Toben started crying for what seems like the billionth time so I walked over and said, "Toben I am done with you...what do you want!" Chase looked at me and said, "Mom! You don't be mad to Toben!" "If you are mad to Toben then I will not let my friends come over anymore and I will give toys to Asher but not you and mom...that's the deal!" "That's just the deal." Well...what do you say to that!


Mark 'n Mindee West said...

That is so funny! But I'm sorry Toben is fussy. That has to be frustrating.

Britt said...

That is so funny. It's amazing how much they are paying attention to everything we do, even when we don't realize it.

Shanae said...

My favorite part is that he won't let his friends come over anymore- I'd better be careful...right? It's amazing I hear my words come out of his mouth and much to my dismay....they aren't very nice-"That's the deal!"

Anonymous said...

Chase is so funny. He got you there, no more of his friends and he'll only share toys with Asher. What a deal. : )

Anonymous said...

it was great seeing you last week!
...hope things go better at home!

LeeCrew said...

Your boys are getting so big! I hope it's okay I added you to my blog..

Crista said...

Maybe he thought toben should not have been yelled at.